*Diese Teilnehmenden haben sich für die zweite Runde qualifiziert.
abstract AG*
abstract - the missing link between architecture and simulation
Abstract is the missing link between architectural design and sustainability simulation software. These sustainability simulations are key to reach the UN net carbon zero goals. Engineers and sustainability consultants use abstract’s Software As A Service to eliminate manual work and optimize their workflows between 20 to 50%. Therefore, abstract enables consistently better sustainable designs with less effort. |
Agricultural commodities trading Risk Management Solution
Missing market price data and internal conflicts of interests make it challenging for risk managers to perform their mark-to-market. The asymmetry of information leads to presenting inaccurate data in P&L reports. With our API product, RMs can now access complete one-year cash forward curves, for both bid and ask prices on grains, oilseeds, and vegoils to perform their mark-to-market and challenge traders regarding their decisions with an unbiased source of data. |
AGH UST Cracow
AgroSustain SA*
Biological crop protection products for pre- and post-harvest
Food rotting in the field and further down the supply chain is an all-too-common sight. More disturbingly, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that approximately one-third of global food production – worth around USD 1.66 trillion – goes to waste annually. AgroSustain aims to reduce food waste and promote sustainable agriculture by developing natural solutions for pest management by providing environmentally friendly biological solutions for crop protection from field to fork. |
Aicue LLC
Cliperie - Video Linkage Platform
Aicue LLC targets to change the way audience videos are consumed on the web. The platform Cliperie.com by Aicue LLC is a web platform for linking audience videos all together into compelling clips directly on the web. The platform enables the simplicity of usage via automation of underlying technologies and runs exclusively on 100% renewable energy. |
Die Firma Alcatron hat sich darauf spezialisiert Schlaganfälle zu minimieren, indem Sie ein bahnbrechendes Produkt entwickelt hat das präventiv hilft einen Schlaganfall bereits im Vorfeld zu verhindern. |
Angstfrei: Online Therapy Platform for Anxiety
In Switzerland there are over 800’000 people suffering from anxiety disorders and more than 75% of those affected are not receiving treatment. We provide a comprehensive solution for the treatment of anxiety combining online sessions, novel tools and all the benefits of online services. We improve the life of the client and simplify and empower the work of the therapist. |
ariadne-service GmbH*
LMtrace®: An imaging-based, AI-powered biomarker for brain diseases
For none of the >1,000 known brain diseases any cure exists and even diagnosing and monitoring the diseases is very difficult because good biomarkers are lacking. We introduce the imaging-based, AI-powered biomarker LMtrace® that capitalizes on neuron shape analysis. Every brain disease is accompanied by changes in neuron shape. Therefore LMtrace® will enable much more efficient drug development and will result in revolutionary new diagnostic applications. |
Armofab - Body protection that does not trade your comfort
Armofab produces fabric composites featuring dynamic flexibility and smart protective clothing based on these composites, which is accompanied with real-time and privacy-preserving analytics services (including the analytics of the operational environment). The first consumer product of Armofab is the Armofab Wristguard. It is innovative protective equipment, which rests naturally on the body while providing extreme protection due to dynamic flexibility in response to the external shock. Armofab wristguard analyses the athlete’s performance, automatically notifies a trustee in case of injuries, and facilitates infrastructure analytics respecting the privacy of each customer. Armofab equipment is designed to operate in extreme environments (t = -60 .. 250 ℃, does not absorb moisture and can be used underwater) having a price tag of an ordinary branded protective equipment on a consumer market. |
ArtNight Schweiz (Netwerkk.ch GmbH)
Online-Plattform für kreative Erlebnisse
Die Netwerkk.ch GmbH kreiert marktführende Brands in der Freizeitindustrie. Beim ersten Veranstaltungskonzept ArtNight malen die Gäste in lokalen Bars und Restaurants ihr eigenes Kunstwerk – dabei werden sie von einem Künstler angeleitet. Es geht darum, Spass zu haben, eingeschlafenes Talent (wieder) zu entdecken und neue Kontakte zu knüpfen. Nebst öffentlichen ArtNights werden auch unvergessliche Team- und Private Events organisiert. |
Advanced Vibration/Motion control technology
We are specialized into Smart fluids namely “Magnetorheological fluid” which is a magic-pill for Vibration/Motion control.Now damping control is faster ,Quieter and cleaner than ever before.From Batman Suit to Ferrari cars,This technology has earned its name and has a lot more to offer in Medical prosthetics where we intend to offer a Smart Prosthetic leg for Amuputee/Paraplegic involving the use of Magnetorheological-damper. |
Zur Bearbeitung hier klicken.
Zur Bearbeitung hier klicken.
Visual inspection robot for pharmaceutical production
We are currently innovating by using the latest artificial intelligence technologies on the latest robot arms in order to automatize visual inspection on flexible production lines. This will enable swiss cutting edge pharmaceutical production to stay competitive by reducing the costs while achieving higher standards. |
Baqless – The Loyal Jewelry
Baqless AG besitzt eine patentierte Technologie, welche gängige Ohrringverschlüsse ersetzt und vertreibt diese unter dem Brand „Baqless“. Der Verschluss ist bereits in die Ohrringe integriert ist, was Baqless zu einem All-in-One Produkt macht. Wir lösen damit drei Probleme, welche beim Tragen von Ohrringen auftreten können: 1. Kein separater Verschluss, der verloren gehen kann 2. Erhöhter Tragekomfort, da wesentlich kompakteres SystemHohe 3. Allergieverträglichkeit, aufgrund der Herstellung aus chirurgischem Stahl |
Beo Therapeutics AG
Microbiome treatments for modern lifestyle diseases
Beo Therapeutics develops oral microbiome therapies that counteract diseases caused by modern lifestyle such as gout, hypertension and chronic kidney disease. The therapies function by re-balancing the metabolism of urate. Products will be positioned as a supplement to the diet, and as a complement to drugs. |
Smart bricks - analog meets digital
Bilo’s smart building blocks provide a tangible interface for digital interaction with functionality beyond a touch screen, space mouse or track pad. Together with tailored content, our hard- and software package is an effective tool to monitor a person’s attentiveness, dexterity, eye-hand coordination and spatial sense, which makes it a powerful setup for Mental Health assessments. |
Bloom Biorenewables SA*
Bloom - a true alternative to petroleum
Short description: Bloom Biorenewables Ltd, a spin-off from EPFL, has developed a technology to efficiently convert biomass (wood or agricultural wastes) to petroleum analogues. This unprecedented strategy allows, for the first time, to use local material to manufacture everyday products, such as plastics, inks or cosmetics. The long-term goal of the team is to reduce the dependency on fossil-based materials and design a more sustainable future. |
BLP Digital AG*
BLP Digital AG
We are an ETH spinoff that uses AI to automate document-based ERP and accounting processes such as the incoming goods inspection and invoice verification. Our self-learning system extracts relevant information from documents through a novel combination of computer vision and NLP. Deeply integrating our SaaS into our customers´ existing system landscapes and workflows, we accelerate business processes and reduce costs significantly. |
Boomerang Ideas GmbH
Representative market research accessible to everyone!
Boomerang Ideas is revolutionizing classic market research by doing representative market research on social media, digitalize it and make it accessible to everyone. We are on the pulse of society and provide the opportunity to survey global socio-demographic groups with one click – quick, simple & affordable. This way data-based and secure decisions which are validated by the crowd for your innovative projects can be made at any time. |
Caveo AG
Caveo – rebelliously simple insurance!
Insurances are complex, boring and everything but digital. Time to change this. Caveo offers a platform on which all insurance contracts, be that health-, car-, household-, risk insurance and more, can be handled digitally and at the touch of a button. No paperwork, no fuss, no problem. |
C-CIT Sensors AG*
In-situ monitoring of glucose and lactate
C-CIT Sensors AG manufacturers of high-quality systems for the continuous in-situ measurement of key metabolites in cell cultures. The two core products CITSens Bio and CITSens MeMo are systems designed for automated real-time metabolic monitoring and process control on cell cultures used to produce vaccines and drugs. The unique glucose and lactate sensors are built in bioreactors for in-situ real-time process control even in smallest volumes. |
CeriTech Indonesia
Improving Coffee Processing through Technological Approach
CeriTech is Indonesia Tech company focusing on improving post-harvest activities of fermentation and drying process on coffee production and supply chain using Internet of Things (IoT). |
Microtechnology Enabling Life
From drug testing to organ transplantation, there is a high demand for functioning human tissues. The innovative CLEX technology combined with advanced microfluidics enables us to encapsulate living human cells in 3D hydrogel matrices at unprecedented resolution and cell viability. This facilitates the recreation of biological tissue architectures on the microscale and bringing cells in close proximity to engineer living tissues with biological function. |
Conceptual Identity
01 Conceptual Identity
The aim of this project of this to build a prototype of a nanodevice to produce energy by the fusion process, very versatility. The nanodevice operates at room temperature. It is a technology that can serve for diverse functions, able to generate different controllable amounts of clean energy. |
Connedo – Connecting the Dots
Das Eco-System integriert und standardisiert fachübergreifende und isolierte Bedürfnisse von heterogenen Anspruchsgruppen in einer gemeinsamen Plattform. Connedo – Connecting the Dots, where digital twins meet; the Social Network for Smart Objects. Die Idee: wenn sich Menschen in einem sozialen Netzwerk begegnen, weshalb sollen dies nicht auch smarte Objekte tun? |
Data Center Light by ungleich GmbH
Dimpora AG*
Biodegradable functional membranes for nature lovers 52 characters incl. spaces
To enjoy nature, outdoor enthusiasts should not have to choose between harming the environment and compromising on performance & comfort. In most of the current solutions, toxic chemicals are often used to withstand harsh weather conditions. To avoid this, dimpora has developed a mineral- based and fluorine-free functional membrane which is biodegradable. It offers high breathable and waterproof protection while leaving the least possible trace in nature. |
Convenient Medication Management
Chronically ill patients do not take their medication as prescribed cause 200’000 premature deaths in Europe alone. We combine a smart pillbox and pharmacy services to significantly improve the adherence of patients, simplify their lives, and drive better health outcomes. |
DoThat GmbH
Die DoThat Plattform ist eine Kombination zwischen Kalender und Instant Messenger (Mobile App und Webseite). Dieses Zusammenspiel ermöglicht eine Vereinfachung bei der Planung und Kommunikation unter Kontakten. Eine All-In-One Lösung, für alle Freizeit Aktivitäten. |
Droople SA*
Droople, the water intelligence platform
We offer a turnkey solution which includes hardware and software as a service for a wide range of water-driven assets such as water treatment systems, machines, appliances or sanitary ware. Our IoT full-stack solution retrofits water endpoints either with a communication module called iLink® or with a smart patent pending flow sensors called iFlow® which accurately measure flow rate, temperature, hardness. They communicate wirelessly with our platform built on machine learning capabilities to enable asset analytics, forecasting and predictive maintenance. |
EraCal Therapeutics AG*
Next-generation anti-obesity therapy
EraCal Therapeutics develops a safe and efficacious weight-lowering drug for obese patients. Era-107 is an oral appetite suppressor with double the efficacy compared to the standard of care, validated in three vertebrate animal models - zebrafish, mice, and rats. The mode of action of Era-107 is distinct from available anti-obesity drugs. Our innovative drug discovery platform is applicable to other indications. |
Event Token AG*
Event Token
Mit deiner eigenen White Label App erhältst du nicht nur ein zentrales Kommunikations- und Communitytool, sondern integrierst auch gleich ein Bezahl- und Ticketingsystem, einen In-App Shop, Event Analytics und vieles mehr. Steigere Eventeinnahmen und digitalisiere dein Event – ganz ohne Hardware, ganz ohne Intermediäre. |
Fidectus AG*
Experience the Future of Energy Settlement
Fidectus revolutionizes post-trade processing in energy trading for Power, Gas, Renewables etc. We connect market participants and optimize their working capital. |
Nutrina - Leitliniengerechte Ernährung für chronisch Kranke
Nutrina-App bietet die Möglichkeit, einen individuellen, leitliniengerechten Ernährungsplan zu erstellen, um damit den Verlauf der chronischen Erkrankung positiv zu beeinflussen. Die Food4Life App ist ein Ernährungsberater, der dem chronisch Kranken 24/7 zur Verfügung steht. Aktivitätsabhängige Vitalparameter über Wearables und Blutzuckerwerte über den Free Style Libre Sensor fließen in die Erstellung des täglichen Ernährungsplanes ein. Der Machine-Learning-Algorithmus passt den Ernährungsplan in Echtzeit an. |
Forum Jurisprudence - Forum Bundesgericht
Forum Jurisprudence - Forum Bundesgericht
Forum Jurisprudence - Forum Bundesgericht ist eine spezialisierte Plattform, die es ermöglicht, alle Urteile des Schweizerischen Bundesgerichts zu kommentieren und darüber zu debattieren. Die Webseite steht sowohl juristischen Fachpersonen als auch juristischen Laien offen. Die Plattform ist global angelegt und wird auch für andere Länder wie Deutschland, Frankreich und den USA dasselbe Angebot zur Verfügung stellen. |
Frei-Support GmbH
Jährlich werden über 2’700 Tonnen Baumnüsse in die Schweiz importiert, vorwiegend aus intensivem Plantagenanbau im Ausland. Gleichzeitig stehen in der Schweiz ca. 130’000 Nussbäume, deren Früchte oftmals gar nicht genutzt werden. Anstatt auf grossflächige neue Monokulturen zu fokussieren, will das Projekt „Baumnussbaum“ das Potential der bereits vorhandenen, vereinzelt freistehenden Bäume ausschöpfen. Geknackt und gesammelt werden die Baumnüsse von Menschen mit einer Beeinträchtigung in sozialen Institutionen oder maschinell. |