* These participants have qualified for the Second Pitch
Atamai - The digital data twin of a property
Atamai analyzes all digitized documents and generates records of it, saving it in the cloud – the digital twin gets created. The thorough data basis enables you to automate simple processes, evaluate notifications, data and interactions of all your properties and develop the decision-making basis for the sustainable maintenance of your assets. We provide a Win-Win situation for all participants. |
Better rapid tests for better health.
Chronic inflammation is one of the larges and unsolved healthcare issues of our society. Personalized lifestyle adjustments can help to reduce such chronic inflammations. Hemetron brings a unique inflammatory self-test to the market. With it, affected people can monitor their inflammation blood markers to identify the optimal individual measures that help them to mitigate symptoms and improve their health. |
indyvit.com – individuelle Gesundheit
Kurze Beschreibung Projekt: indyvit bietet individuelle Gesundheit. Mit www.indyvit.com haben wir den weltweit ersten Konfigurator für Nahrungsergänzungsmittel erschaffen. Nur bei indyvit können Konsumenten auswählen, welche Inhaltsstoffe in welchen Mengen in ihre Kapsel sollen. Nach der Auswahl von Kapselfarbe, Geschmack und Etikette wird jede Bestellung in unserem Labor in der Schweiz on demand hergestellt und dem Konsumenten nach Hause geschickt. |
3Design Medications
InkVivo supports clinicians and healthcare providers in optimizing treatments by offering innovative drug delivery systems. With our manufacturing approach we design implantable patches, tablets, and injectable biomaterials that ensure a controlled and prolonged release of its active ingredients. |
Jobeagle – Matching young Talents and outstanding Companies
Jobeagle is the new Tinder for jobs. We suggest fitting jobs, and besides cv an certificates, also skills and personality traits matter. The profiles are anonymous to ensure unbiased recruiting and equal opportunities for everyone. Companies get the chance to present themselves attractively on our platform and thus gain exclusive access to our talents. As a modern app, Jobeagle is not only a job platform for job seekers, but also for all those people not actively looking for a job. |
Service-for-Equity reinvented
Projektbeschreibung: KAPSLY Ventures helps early-stage startups and service providers with flexible service-for-equity deals. Over 100 service providers are ready to invest their services through our convertible service agreements. With our unique approach, startups don’t give away equity. They can start the collaboration and only later convert service values into virtual company shares. |
Die neue Art dein Zuhause zu gestalten
Wir digitalisieren den gesamten Einrichtungsprozess und ermöglichen dadurch einer breiten Bevölkerungsschicht den Zugang zu einem schönen Zuhause. In Zukunft soll jede Person mit seinem Handy auf Knopfdruck seine Wohnsituation erfassen, passende Einrichtungsvorschläge erhalten und diese visualisieren können. |
Fide exams? A piece of cake.
The Language Jungle is a company that specialises in delivering digital fide courses to the large amount of foreigners residing in Switzerland. We aim to vastly shorten fide exam preparation and empower foreigners to overcome the challenges of a compulsory Swiss language requirement. |
Leafs – Democratizing sustainable finance
The worsening climate crisis and the growing need for sustainable finance - especially among younger generations - require more transparency about the impact of investments. Leafs helps financial market participants understand how sustainable their investments are both from a personal ("risk") and environmental ("impact") perspective, and how they relate to each other ("optimization"). Our mission: No investments without understanding the impact of it! |
Unlimited Power
Unlimited Power is a personal, efficient and individual coaching. Through tailor-made solutions and intensive coaching, problems are solved in a sustainable way within a very short time. |
melt GmbH
ADA - age appropriate digital assistance
Healthy longevity and aging in place are becoming increasingly important. This is where ADA comes in. Whether networking with the neighbourhood or suggestions for a daily fitness programme: ADA helps when you need support or decision-making assistance. ADA curates interfaces to services such as everyday organisation, shopping, communication, financial services, mindfulness, entertainment, fitness & health services. ADA speaks and understands Swiss dialects and is obstacle-free in every way. The device includes speakers with mic, sensors and a touch screen. |
Mind Switch – Die App gegen Ängste & Phobien
Mit der Mind Switch App kannst du Ängste & Phobien ohne Konfrontation, Coaching oder langwierige tägliche Übungen selbst reduzieren, wann und wo immer du willst. Dank der revolutionären Mind Switch Methode wird die Angst bzw. Phobie an der Ursache reduziert und aufgelöst. Wissenschaftlich nachgewiesen mit einer fMRT Studie. |
Home-Use Neurofeedback
Mental disorders are a burden for mankind. Psychiatric drugs are frequently applied. But they come with heavy side effects. Neuromodulation is the only alternative that is comparable to psychiatric drugs. TMS is increasingly the method of choice in the USA. Neuromodulation is proven technology! We create a device that allows neuromodulation to be used at home – making this biologic treatment approach more accessible and affordable. «As easy as taking a pill» is our credo. Business plan available! |
AUTOMATED Energetic Building Optimization
myFacility connects heating, ventilation and other systems in buildings with the IoT world. myFacility supplements the data obtained with additional values and uses intelligent algorithms to optimize building energy use and minimize CO2 emissions. The solution is easy to install in buildings and delivers results in a timely manner. |
MyFeld.ch - Der erste Online-Garten in der Schweiz
Mit MyFeld.ch hat jeder die Möglichkeit, sein eigenes Gemüse aus seinem eigenen Garten zu erhalten. Auf unserer Website können sich unsere Kunden ganz einfach ein Feld mieten, wo sie ihr eigenes frisches Gemüse von zuhause aus anbauen können und nach Hause geliefert bekommen. |
MyOldtimer.fun the sharing platform
Rent and hire cool vehicles near you. MyOldtimer is the sharing platform that allows you to share classic cars, modern classics and other unique vehicles. Do you have a classic or unique vehicle that is often parked unmoved in the garage? Then share it with other fans and enthusiasts through MyOldtimer. You reduce the downtime of your vehicle, give other fans and enthusiasts unforgettable experiences and earn money at the same time. |
NETFIN will be a brand for access to corporate finance and wealth management. National. International. Global. Anytime. Anywhere. One platform, one App. |
Verspieltes Design für die Sammlung von Grünabfall mit eingebautem Geruchsblocker. |
NIMBLE - improving skin care through mechanical characterization
The NIMBLE is a novel ultra-light suction device for characterization of the mechanical properties of the human skin. Preliminary trials showed the potential of the device to early detect skin diseases, such as fibrotic skin in patients suffering from systemic sclerosis, or microstructural changes in hypertrophic scars. We aim at providing a diagnostic device for the early-detection and monitoring of skin diseases as well as for testing the efficacy of treatments and therapies for different skin conditions. |